Are you...your identity?

The craving

Since childhood, we have all had dreams and we all experienced that dreamy stuff in our imaginations. Many times we tend to think about what our profession would be rather than thinking about what we want to be like.

Even when the majority of our wishes are inspired by the people around us or the people we have seen on TV, we tend to put that character or personality on ourselves(more like a construct) so that it fits properly. So it may be argued that our wish of becoming something is more like a wish of becoming like someone rather than helping the cause, which comes to our conscience only later. This is the reason why we want to be wealthy or fit and good-looking or develop patriotic and responsible feelings.

What is that feeling...

If I look at my past, considering my school life, I have always been an avid sports lover and was always up and running when it came to playing. I developed an interest in cricket in 4th grade and got into a decent coaching center. After playing for a while, I decided to unenroll from the academy in 9th grade and focused on my studies. I always had this passion for staying fit and healthy(both mentally and physically), but life wasn't the same after cricket. I started putting on weight and lost my precious stamina...

This process continued for the next four years, and by this time, I had lost all my energy and mental strength. I didn't take any steps to solve this problem and my self-confidence had gone downhill.

But the funniest part is that I didn't know. During the lockdown, I kept on thinking about this problem and I had no direction to look at or start working from. I had lost myself in this process. I had the excruciating urge to get myself back since I was in class 9, but I found no method. So I became less vocal, cause I was always in the process of finding the self I wasn't.

Finding Identity

After I got into college, I started thinking about life responsibly. I had the time to construct(keyword construct!) myself and worked on that incessantly. In that process(I am still in it btw), I read self-help books, worked out(very important!) and developed my mental self through brainstorming problems and ideas.

"Instead of trying to become something, become someone that you want as your identity who can achieve those things."

It is during this time that I saw a change in myself, and I felt myself becoming the version that I had craved for the last 4 years. I started finding myself more and more. It is a great feeling. I started developing confidence and belief, and it opened up a world in front of me. A world of ideas and desires which can be fulfilled by the person I am.

So, going to the gym helped me realize the person I am and the identity that I have. Like me, there are many examples of people who have found their identity doing something they enjoy, something which defines them and is very much connected to them.

I shall be ending this blog with a sense of satisfaction. That I have completed my first blog and if you have reached this part, then I feel most obliged.

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